Tcl/Tk Workshop `95 - Thursday: Session 1

Introductions - William Willbrinks and Ben Bederson

Talked about agenda and introduced Program Committee.

Tcl-Dp Name Server - Peter T Liu, Brian Smith, Lawrence Rowe

Presented by Peter T. Liu

Introduction of what Tcl-Dp is (Distributed Programming for Tcl/Tk). Provides IP connection, blocking and non-blocking RPC, Etc..

Name server provides service management

Provides standard client and server provider name server access. Can auto start services, via rsh or inetd.

Provides backup name servers. Implemented as one primary, multiple backups. Keep alive messages used to verify Primary alive by Backup.

Current status:



Multiple Trace Composition and Its Use - Adam Sah

Talked about what are variable traces. Talked about using persistent objects and variable traces to "page" objects in and out as needed.

Talked about using trace to implement Constraints and Rule. Using Constraints and Rule together gives data integrity.

Problems are that traces don't compose, since you the order is not guaranteed. Fix is only disable current handler. Test implementation is to write command newtrace, done in Tcl. Semantics is backward compatible, for speed should be in core in C.


TclProp: A Data-Propagation Formula Manager for Tcl and Tk - Joseph A. Konstan

Presented by Joseph A. Konstan

Data-propagation is declarative programming. Declare and enforce relationship among variables. Used to localize programming, don't have to worry about other pieces of program.



Used trace and after commands. Breaks cycles at one repetition.





Advances in the Pad++ Zoomable Graphics Widget - Benjamin B. Bederson and James D. Holla

Presented by Benjamin B. Bederson

Gave on-line demo. Claimed again that it will be available soon. Demoed several features: zooms, portals, lens, etc. Talked about mode for bindings. Two positions available, programmer and post-doc. When positions are filled, Pad++ will be made available. Send resumes to mailto:[email protected]
